Friday, September 10, 2010

On a Positive Note!

In an effort to end the week on a more positive note than "OMG EVERYTHING SUUUUUUUUCKS" here are a couple of things that made me giggle today.

The Pioneer Woman (whom I love) made a list of her important blogging tips.

Hipster Puppies! I love them. I don't get lolcats at all, not even a little, but hipster puppies? Perfection.

I watch this perfume review very so often. It's so funny and so true- try to get at that tester bottle without being knocked over by a tween.

Catalog Living is always funny and snarky.

A "helpful" list of crap to stop spending money on once you're 30. Aside from Rent, which is just ridiculous given that housing varies so much from area to area, this just made me laugh because I never did any of them- even in my wild college days. Okay, my college days weren't that wild. My one year at the hippy-dippy tree hugging school I was the only one who wasn't smoking weed on a regular (or irregular) basis or getting so drunk I'd just sleep on the steps outside the dorm because I couldn't figure out how to work my keycard. Also, it's insulting to anyone under 30. HOWEVER, it still made me chuckle, so it's included.

And of course, there is the drama and craziness of Project Runway, season 8 is MILES better than the last one. I watch it every week and then gleefully wait for Tim Gunn's gossipy video recaps on his Facebook Page!

Happy Weekend! Let's recharge!

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