Monday, July 23, 2012

Oh My Stars & Garters!

(This is where you say "Super F'ing CUTE Heather, you have amazing taste!")

They come in blue too:

But this is where one (do you like how I'm going all Emily Post on you and using "One" instead of "I"?) must step back and take a close look at her personal style.  Because these are only going to work on a couple of different people:

1. Rockabilly girls in poodle skirts and tight sweaters.

2. Hipsters with cuffed jeans, skinny ankles, ironic glasses, and some sort of Apple Product on their person.

On the other hand, there's me.  And when I wear oxford shoes it looks like something my girlfriend gave me for Christmas, if you catch my drift.

I run into this problem with boots too.  All of the ones I love are flat and chunky, like this:
These would look so cute with some little breezy sundress (yes, I have been in Nashville too long).  I have tried on Frye Engineer boots and Harness boots and I LOVE the look of them.  But not on me.  So sad.

I don't do breezy little sundresses.  These boots make me look like a sturdy lesbian.  (There's nothing wrong with sturdy lesbians, but that's not the demographic I am trying to attract.)

Sigh.  Style is a bitch sometimes.

Edited an hour later to add:

PS I just ran across this picture and if it doesn't prove my point about oxfords NOTHING DOES:
 Rolled cuffs and oxfords anyone?????  ON ELLEN and her TINY ANKLES???????  I am feeling psychic.

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