Friday, November 24, 2006


Cars is a very cute movie. Sitting around at MHM's family's house, not much to do, and all the adults are sitting in the living room watching cars. It has a slooooow start, but by the end you're like YEAH! This movie is hilarious. And very VERY cute. It's got the Shrek-esque (one of my very favoritist movies is Shrek 2) percentage of adult humor that I love in cartoons like this.

Anyway, now we're watching last Monday's Studio 60, which is a good one. I'm going to go pay attention to that. I'm ready for NaBloPoMo to be over a little....


Heather said...

Just lurking from NoBloPoMo and had to say hi...why you ask?

Because my name is Heather...that's why!

Happy Blogging...I also LOVED the movie cars, as did my kiddos!

Heather said...

Just lurking from NaBloPoMo and had to say hi...why because my name guessed it....HEATHER!!

Happy Blogging...

Heather said...

See? There are zillions of us out there. We need to get organized or something. :)